CrowdSurfWork Platform - FAQ



1. What's new on the CrowdSurfWork Platform?

2. How do I log in?

3. How do I track my work?

4. Where do I find my new worker ID?

5. How do I check what Level I'm in?



1. What's new on the CrowdSurfWork Platform?

We have built a brand new CrowdSurf Work platform. This is the new home for all of your tasks. You can find the following tasks on the new platform:

  • Full Text Review
  • QC
  • QC Reject
  • Timing
  • Speaker ID
  • Special Handling Critical

You will experience an updated interface with faster load times, less unexpected downtime, and in the future you will have access to new statistics and feedback.  

2. How do I log in?

Use this link log in to the new CrowdSurfWork Platform. You can use the same username and password provided to you during beta testing. If you need your username and password, please contact CrowdSurf Support.  

We hope you enjoy the new platform! And thank you to the beta test team! If you are still interested in providing feedback, please use the Suggestion Box.

3. How do I track my work?

Your worker stats are available on the CrowdSurf Worker Feedback Sheet. These stats include daily and weekly records of your work volume, approval rating, QC score, earnings, and more. This spreadsheet is updated every other day Monday - Friday. If you have a question on your work history, please feel free to contact us.

To use the spreadsheet use Ctrl+F or Cmd+F and search for your worker ID. Your worker ID is available on the your Dashboard or My Profile page of the CrowdSurf Work Platform. Your worker ID will be a 32 digit number, separate from your username.


4. Where do I find my worker ID?

On your New Dashboard! Your new worker ID is available at the top of your Work History Dashboard.


5. How do I check what level I'm in?

All levels and tasks are the same on the new CrowdSurfWork Platform. Each CrowdSurf level has distinct qualifications. You can check your CrowdSurf Qualifications on the Qualifications Tab (see below).  

You still have access to the same queues you had before, with the same quality requirements. Please aspire to maintain a 90% approval rating on your CrowdSurf tasks.

If you need help determining your Level, visit the CrowdSurf Levels page.


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