Section Nine- Internet & Contact Info
Rule |
Instruction |
Example |
Spelling a Name, Address, Word, etc. |
If a speaker spells out a last name or street or something, indicate the recitation of letters with hyphens in between each letter. |
My name is Christina, C-H-R-I-S-T-I-N-A. |
Internet |
Internet must always be capitalized. |
You must have a stable Internet connection to work on Mturk. |
URLs |
Transcribe the final web address even if the speaker has completely spelled it out. |
Spoken: Transcribe as: |
Emails |
Transcribe the final email address even if the speaker has completely spelled it out. |
Spoken: Transcribe as: |
Telephone Number |
Transcribe the final telephone number in digits and dashes form. |
My cell number is (123)-444-5555. |
IP Addresses |
Transcribe the final IP address in digits and periods form. | |
Hashtags |
If used as a word in a sentence, spell out the word hashtag. If used in the format #blablabla use the pound sign, # |
Contact me at the hashtag shown below.
Transcribe as: |
Twitter handles |
Use the at sign, @, when someone references their twitter handle |
Find me on Twitter @AshleyEsqueda. |